Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Last Day of Summer

Well technically not last day of summer but the last day of summer break... what a huge day we all had. Scott worked from home so he could be here for the big day. We were up and off early because Amelia had her driver's test @ 11 in Elberton. Savannah went to work as usual and we all went with Amelia. She didn't seem nervous at all. She went right out with the officer and did her thing- passed with a big 98- walked back in with a huge smile and said, "I passed!!!" You can just imagine how excited we all were for her! We walked out and Scott suggested we go to Cateechee for a celebratory lunch. Savannah met us and we enjoyed great family time!!!

The next order of business was a parking pass for Amelia so we dropped by the high school to get one and then practiced her route around the school into her assigned park. You can see the picture of her sitting in a lone park in the student parking lot. I then took her to the pump for a lesson on pumping gas- she did great using my check card :-).

Next we were off to Rosemary's school to pick up her schedule and meet the teachers. It was a great visit and I think R will have a great year again. I'm not sure the girls are ready to go back but it has come fast. I pray they will have a successful year of school!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

House Tour 1

I am so sorry it has taken me so long to get the tour started. Today I start @ the front door in the foyer. We painted the foyer Sandtrap and all the trim a soft cream. We changed the lighting, changed the stair railing to iron, and refinished the floors.

There was a carpet runner on the stairs that we removed and refinished the stairs too.

My mom gave us the print hanging here- really makes me think of their farm, and the arrangement is one Beth and I picked out when we went shopping @ Real Deals.

To the left of the front door is our living room/ study. I have my grandmother's furniture in there, my glass cabinet with china given to me by my mom, our desk with the girls' computer, and the piano. We just had it tuned and it sounds so beautiful!!! We painted it Mocha and the pink sofa and dishes really look good- just waiting on my window treatments being made by someone Beth knows and need something on the walls. My favorite thing about this room is the view of our front yard- I can already see an egg hunt in the future!!!

We love the entry into out home. We wanted it to feel warm and inviting- hope to have many visitors in the coming years!!!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Youth Pool Party

We hosted the youth group from the Methodist Church last night for a pool party: middle school 4:30-6 and high school 6:30- ... We had a fun time hanging with all the kids and adults. We have always wanted to have a house where the kids wanted to hang and now we do. Hope to start the tour tomorrow- can you believe A & R start back to school Friday???

Friday, July 4, 2008

Savannah is 19

Today 19 years ago, Savannah Lee Ankerich came into the world and made me a mom. She was 3 days early and born on the 4th of July. Scott was running the Peachtree Road Race and I was planning to go with him. I wasn't feeling so well that morning and decided to stay home. He left and by 7:15am, I called my neighbor to tell her my back was hurting pretty bad. She took me to the hospital and they admitted me. I was in labor!!!

Scott finished the race and called home to check on me- back in the days of phone booths only. I didn't answer so he called our neighbor and her husband said I was in the hospital in labor. He panicked and high tailed it to the car. He made it by 10:30 and she was born @ 3:10, 6.8 lbs, and 20" long. I just knew she was a boy but when she was born, the doctor handed her to me and said, "Meet Savannah Lee Ankerich!!!"- I was the happiest mom in the world. She had tons of beautiful dark hair and so precious.

Today we celebrated her life and how blessed we are to have her as our oldest daughter. She is such a wonderful role model for her sisters and all who know her. We are so proud of you Savannah and you make us smile every day!!! We wish you the happiest of birthdays and pray to celebrate many more.

We had a big crowd at our house. My mom, Josh, Susan & Tony, Jason & Amy, Jason & the boys, the Lopes, and PaPa all came. We ate a huge lunch with all the fixings, ate homemade pound cake (thanks mama) & homemade ice cream, and then all headed to the pool for an afternoon of hanging out!!! Not many things better than celebrating the life of one of your children. Can it be true I have a 19 year old??? Blessed with a beautiful bloom!!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Summer Fun

My sister Marcia and her two children Rebecca and Samuel have been visiting this week. It has been so fun having them here. We have swam every day and ate lots of Popsicles.

We also went to Atlanta for hair appts and visited Jason, who is home recuperating from surgery performed on his leg once coming home from Michigan. The doctors here decided he needed a rod placed down his leg to improve his mobility faster- he has practically had to start over with recovery. Amy is taking very good care of him and we pray he will be up and out very soon.