Monday, January 31, 2011

The Climber and Sick Littles

Just in the last couple of weeks,
we have noticed we have a little climber on our hands.
These are a few of the places I found her today.
She's quite the acrobat.

And yes, I was close by and in the same room.

Now we have two sick littles~
thankfully we have meds for SJ too
and hoping they are both on the road to recovery.
Here they are both taking a breathing treatment
and SJ looks as if she is praying for it to be over. :)

Blogger Back Up~
Have you wondered about backing up your blog?
I was actually googling this very thing this morning
and didn't really find anything until
I clicked on The CoffeeShop Blog.
There it was...
a tutorial to do just that.
I followed it and was able to save my whole blog
onto my external and now I'm thinking of an online backup.
Any suggestions???
Do you have all your files, photos, and music
saved someplace safe?

Why am worried about all this?
About 2 years ago,
I tried to delete an extra email address and in the midst of it,
I deleted my blog (Blooms and Blessings)
and it could not be retrieved.
It floated around in cyberspace for a week or so
and I was able to save it to my hard drive.
It has been sitting there for 2 years~
when I received my blog books,
I knew it was time to get the old posts reposted.

If you want to read about EK's adoption,
it is now posted in 2006 posts.
I am halfway through 2007 right now
so stay tuned. :)


  1. On my to do list! Get well soon EK and SJ!

  2. I can't wait to be home and spend time with my little china sisters! I miss y'all so much!!!

  3. Hope those little ones of yours get well soon.

    I've been seeing your old posts pop up in Google Reader lately. Now I know why. I'm going to go over and check out the tutorial on Rita's blog. She has some really great information over there.

    Thanks for the info!

  4. Hope the girls are better soon,


  5. oh my, a little climber on your hands ~ sounds much like Khloe, she is such a little monkey. and if she can't reach it, she will 'build' her way there via whatever she can drag over and make a ladder out of!! ;)

    Hope your sweet girlies get to feeling better soon!

    And thanks for the reminder on the importance of backing up your blog. Keep us posted on any more tutorials or great links you may come by.


  6. I have been wondering how to do that! I will have to go check it out. Hope the girls feel better soon!!

  7. It must be her monkey pajamas getting her to climb!

    Hope the breathing treatments are working!

  8. She looks just like my friend Amy's little girl who climbs on everything! What a stinker! So cute.
