Thursday, May 19, 2011

Amelia's New Room

A week from tomorrow Amelia will graduate from high school~
(graduation announcement)

WOW... talk about where did the time go?
On Sunday, she was recognized at our church

and as we were eating lunch,
she decided she wanted to paint her new bedroom.
SO she and her dad went to Home Depot
and came home with a gallon of Wisteria paint...

and she went to work...

a little wanna-be helper~

went from yuck yellow to wonderful wisteria~

took her all of 2 hours...

Why the move?
This was Savannah's room while she was in college
so now that Amelia is going...
she goes into the Savannah's room
and Rosie moves into Amelia's room
and EK/SJ move into Rosie's room
and Will moves into EK/SJ's room.
Fruit basket turnover!!!


  1. I love that color!! Your family just doesn't slow down girl!

    I was wondering which room - so is she already in there? I remember being amazed by the number of shirts she had in her closet so I'm wondering will all her clothes fit??

    I love that photo of Amelia! Did you do her announcement? amazing.

    xo ellie

  2. What fun!! Love the colour she chose...the room looks great!

    The graduation announcement for Amelia is absolutely beautiful!! Such a gorgeous bunch of girls you have! :)


  3. that's almost identical to my oldest dd's bedroom - she's almost 12 though so instead of the gorgeous white spread Amelia has....she has zebra print

  4. Love the color she picked. Looks like my daughter's room. We painted it last summer. I'm impressed with her painting skills...2 hrs! :-) It sounds like you're going to have fun moving everyone into their new rooms. Have you decided on what you're going to do in Will's room yet? I bet you can't wait since you have five girls.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. You have got some major "stuff" going on in your life right now!! I don't even know how you find time to blog!! Love the pics...and her new room!!

    Congratulations to the graduate!!

  7. Love, love, love the invitation -- the picture and the quote!

    What a fun bedroom makeover! The color is soo pretty and the musical rooms crack me up!

  8. Big BIG changes in that cute family of yours :)

  9. The color is beautiful!! So is Amelia's name! I think she has my favorite name in your family :-) Amelia Frances - so, so, pretty!!

    I can't wait to see everyone else's changes and new rooms - please share!

  10. Congratulations to Amelia!
    What a lovely and talented girl. The new color choice is great. Thanks for sharing:) Rearranging rooms is hard work but lots of fun too!

  11. Beautiful color. We're almost ready for a room swap here too.
