Thursday, April 21, 2011

A 'Sun'ny Day!

Or should I say~
A Hartwell 'Sun'ny Day!
Our local paper came today and all three bigs were in it!

Savannah and Josh's engagement announcement~

Amelia and Rosemary's tennis team~

AND earlier this week Amelia
brought her graduation photos home~
taken by Lifetouch.

Couldn't be prouder of three beautiful and talented girls!!!
James 1:17


  1. How exciting! its always fun to see your name (& photo!) in print!

  2. So fun!! I can't believe how much smaller Savannah is than Josh :) So cute!!

  3. Awww, love the graduation pic! And the engagement announcement - warms my heart. :D

    My wedding anniversary is May 3. May is a great time of year to get married. :D

  4. Wow! You must be one proud mama!

    Hope you have a great Easter weekend!

  5. How fun to have those to keep and look at again someday!
