Tuesday, July 13, 2010

A Candle Lighting

One of the reasons I didn't post on my blog,
or update my status on FB,
or tweet the news of Savannah and Josh was... the candle lighting.

Candle 1

I had already written a post to share
but as soon as S&J opened the door to our hotel room that night,
one of the first things she said to me was...
Mom you can't put this on the blog or FB!

candle 5

I knew there was a very good reason.
She had to have the candle lighting with her sweet Phi Mu sisters.

candle 3

So we celebrated her birthday and the engagement
for the next 3 days waiting for Monday.
Baileigh was able to text all the sisters to say
someone had gotten engaged
and there would be a lighting Monday afternoon.

candle 4

As soon as the text went out...
Savannah's phone went CRAZY!!!
Is it you???? everyone wanted to know.

candle 2

A few of her sisters were able to be there~
most were home or away from school for summer.
Savannah hid in a nearby restaurant so they wouldn't know it was her.
She ran out at the last minute
and blew out the candle that they were passing around the circle.
Everyone surprised and happy!!!

ps I wasn't there... Savannah had someone take all these with her phone. :)


  1. Can I ever just come to your blog once without tearing up?! :) And I already knew the story!!! That had to have been so fun for her!


  2. I'm friends with one of Savannah's sisters. She was so sad she had to miss it!
