Saturday, April 19, 2008

My Scrapbooks

I sometimes look at EllaKate and wish she could tell me everything she is thinking about. We were out getting birthday wrapping for Rosemary's friend and EllaKate spotted the cutest picnic basket. (Her eyes lit up so big!) She immediately said, "We can have a picnic, mama." Of course we could! I let her get the basket and then... she found a bug basket. While at the school earlier we observed a caterpillar (a little science lesson) and looked for it again when we came out. We couldn't find it anywhere but I reassured EllaKate we would look for one at home so I bought the bug basket to watch the metamorphosis of a beautiful butterfly- we used to do this every year when I taught kindergarten. Hope you enjoyed the slideshow of our picnic party!!!

While having a picnic with EllaKate and Jason (slideshow to come!!!), the DHL delivery van pulled up to drop off my SCRAPBOOKS!!!!! What a great day! I could barely wait to tear them open. I ran back around to the back, sat down on the blanket, and began pouring through them. Let me tell you what a feeling of accomplishment to sit and look at all the memories, stories, and pictures on each page. Wish I had a video of EllaKate seeing herself and all the people she knows on each page. She kept gasping as we turned the pages. I probably would have done the same, but Jason was there with us. I didn't want to go overboard about it but... I LOVE THEM!!! I look forward to sharing them with anyone who would want to see them!!! A great day!!!

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