Friday, August 10, 2007

Thankful Thursday on Friday

Oops... I missed Thankful Thursday because I was doing so many things I am thankful for. I am most thankful that Amelia and Rosemary have had a wonderful beginning to school. They could have very well come home that first day crying to move back to Atlanta, but that was not the case. They have really enjoyed their new schoool, teachers, and friends!!! Rosemary is actually spending the night with her new friend tonight and we are all going to a birthday party tomorrow. Amelia has been invited to a friend's house after school too.

I am thankful for new friends to walk with in the mornings. After I drop the girls at school, I park and walk my 2.5 mile walk. Yesterday with Kathy C. and today with Cathy L. I am thankful to be healthy enough to walk every day! It makes me feel so refreshed to start the day with exercise, after my quiet time, and my coffee of course.

I am thankful I live so close to my mama and daddy. We went up last night and ate dinner with them and Mama usually comes by to visit most every day. Ella calls her Mamama. I am also so thankful to live so close to Susan and Tony. The girls adore them and we usually see Susan on her way to work when we are walking. Ella's face just lights up when we see her!

I am so thankful to be back home living in the place where I grew up. It was so fun to be at the girls' schools the other evening and see so many people we went to school with! Home sweet home!

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