Sunday, April 2, 2006

April 2

Today we went first thing to get a visa picture made of Ella Kate. I had to go to a paperwork meeting for about 2 hours. Scott and the girls went for walk. They put Ella Kate in the stroller, dropped the laundry off, and and headed out. They found a church to visit for a little while. It was a Christian church, and they were singing. While walking around, they also saw some couples making wedding pictures. They said the girls looked so beautiful and new. We were told by our CCAI rep in Beijing that the boy is responsible to buy everything for the wedding. They also have to give the girl's family a lot of money, as well as have a place to live and maybe a car before they get married. What a big responsibility. I finished with the paperwork and we ate lunch at a great cafe called Lucy's. We came back and took a little rest while Scott went for a run. We are all going for a group dinner at a Thai restaurant tonight. Tomorrow, we have to take Ella Kate for her doctor's checkup for the visa report. She is doing great! She just has a little runny nose in the morning, but I think it is because she is cutting her two bottom teeth. She already had her two top teeth. She is very happy!!!

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