Friday, February 25, 2011

Joy to Love~ When You Love Them the Most

I love this precious man the most
when I look at these beautiful girls
because he never said no to any of them.

They were all chosen
and we have committed our lives
to loving them forever and ever.
Each one a blessing beyond this world~
gifts to us from God!!!
James 1:17


  1. Great pictures of your sweet family! Love, love, love all of the estrogen in your house!

  2. And what a brave man he is to take on a house full of women! It is definitely special to have a husband willing to open his home and his heart to children who were born to someone else, to provide for them, give them his name, and love them-this last is what separates him from other fathers.


  3. They all looked so beautiful today at the shower! I loved helping take a few pictures. The shower was so much fun!
