Sunday, December 12, 2010

Scott's Sibling Christmas

Scott is very blessed to still have all his siblings~
Larry, Jan, and Susan!
Jan and Ray were in town this weekend
so we enjoyed the parade and dessert on Friday
then Christmas together Saturday night.
It was a very sweet time as a family.
Susan and Tony had us at their house
for a delicious dinner...
Jan and Ray surprised the kids
with wonderful gifts...
Jing got a Madam Alexander doll named Rosie
and LOVED her~
Jan and Ray have given all five girls one of these babies
and they all still have them.
EK got a Melissa and Doug sushi set and said,
"This what I've always wanted."
I had no idea. :)
Big girls received beautiful gifts too!
So wonderful that even with big families of our own,
we are all still able to make time to be together
and celebrate Family and Christmas. :)


  1. Those of us that have close families are so blessed; looks like a wonderful time.

  2. Looks like you guys had a great time with all of Scott's family! I'm so glad!

  3. Jing is such a good mommy! I lobe how she already loves babies!
