Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Black & White Wednesday: My Shay~baby

In 6 days we leave for China.
In 11 days we meet ShayleeJoy for the first time~
on which day she will have her forever family
and we will have our forever Shay~baby.
I really can't believe it's almost time.
Time for our family to become~
Seventh Heaven. :)

For more B&W photos head to Lisa's blog.
So happy for her as she received her referral this week
after a VERY long wait.


  1. Oh my goodness...I'm so excited for you. I remember that day like it was yesterday!! Blessings to you and your family as you meet your little Shay for the very first time!!

  2. Oh my is she just precious. I'm so happy for you and your family. Shay is one special little girl that will finally be with her loving family.

  3. This is so exciting!!! I definitly remember being so busy that it was hard to really enjoy the moment..all the last minute details and sleepless nights. I am praying for you and the adjustment with Shay baby!!!! She is beautiful and so blessed to have you all to love her forever!!! I love all of you!!!!!!!!!

  4. Can't wait! She looks so tiny to be 3!! That pouty face is the best!!

  5. Wow! The final week!!! I am SO happy and excited for you!!!

  6. I am so happy for you! I cannot wait to see her in your arms!

  7. Have a wonderful trip! Congratulations!! Your ShayleeJoy is just precious!

  8. oh so precious :) love that Shay-Baby! Is it me or does she look like EK again in this photo?! oh my! I cannot wait to see them together!!!!!

  9. One special baby, congratulations!

  10. She is just precious Sharon!! I cannot wait for you to get on that plane.... I will be following along every step of the way. 6 MORE DAYS......YAHOOOO!!!!



  11. What a sweet little face!
    I'm certain she will be all smiles once she is in your arms forever.


  12. Oh my gosh, you're leaving next week! I'm so excited for you all! Hopefully you'll be able to post!

    Our Blog: Double Happiness!

  13. What a cutie, congrats on your adoption. What a beautiful thing you are doing.
