Thursday, November 30, 2006

Sad and Happy...

Scott and I got the call last night that his mom, MaMa Ankerich, had passed away. Many of you will remember she became ill while we were all in Myrtle Beach on vacation this summer. She has been in and out of the hospital ever since. This was one of many times she fell ill since Mr. Ankerich died 3 years ago. We are all very sadden with her loss, but rejoice that she is healed in heaven with Jesus Christ and is reunited with PaPa Ankerich. Christmas was her favorite holiday, so we will miss her especially at this time of year. As a friend of mine explained to her little son, "She will be celebrating Jesus' birthday in person in heaven this year!" What a wonderful thought!!! We will always remember all the wonderful things about her, especially how much she loved her grandchildren, greatgrands, greatgreatgrands, AND greatgreatgreatgrands!!!What a great legacy she has left here and big shoes for me to fill as her son's wife. I pray I can be the wife and mother she has always been, because I am married to the most AMAZING man. I am so thankful she had him and allowed me to love him for the rest of my life!!! We will miss Louise Frances Ankerich forever.

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